• Resolved Jan from Geekho


    One of our clients is using invisible products in their shop for products which are only sold through affiliates. This was working fine with your plugin before v2.1.0.

    Starting from v2.1.0 (probably in response to this support request), you added a condition in the feed creation that skips all invisible products (webappick-product-feed-for-woocommerce/trunk/includes/classes/class-woo-feed-products.php, line 97/104):

    • old: if(!is_object($product)){
    • new: if(!is_object($product)|| !$product->is_visible()){

    Can you make it an option whether or not to include invisible products in the feed, since there seem to be use cases for both options?

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  • Plugin Author Ohidul Islam



    Lots of our plugin user complained about this issue. So we decided to do that. We will think about your request.

    Thread Starter Jan from Geekho


    Thanks for the quick response Ohidul – we’d be very happy if you could include this feature in an upcoming version of the plugin.

    Also, is this something that can be done with the Pro version?

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