Hello there,
could you send me the link of the website where i can see the issue?
This link would be of production, the infinite scrolling I am testing in a local environment.
thank you!
Hello there,
ok, please send me a screenshot where I can see least the settings for infinite sccrolling
this is the configuration:
Selector de navegación
Siguiente selector
Seleccionador de artículo
Selector de contenido
Imagen de carga
Thank you!
please try to use the following settings:
- Selector de navegación:
- Siguiente selector:
.pagination .alignleft > a
- Seleccionador de artículo:
- Selector de contenido:
Furthermore we see your blog has a custom structure, creating two vertical columns; so to fix the style of the new-added posts and keep the two-columns layout, you should simply add the following code snippet to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.et_pb_salvattore_content > article{
opacity: 1 !important;
float: left;
width: 43.75%;
margin-right: 12.5%;
.et_pb_salvattore_content > article:nth-child(2n){
margin-right: 0 !important;
Please try these solutions and let us know if everything works fine!
perfect! , with your help and some additional css property (“.column.size-1of2{width: 100%!important;
}”) works correctly
Thank you!