As we don’t have access the the WPML plugin we are unable to complete test the compatibility of the plugin.
We have started working on prepping all the static strings to make make the plugins settings translatable.
In your cause through you are looking to translate the custom Error message which is stored in the wp_options table
Based on this reply
You will want to enable the Auto register strings for translation and enable the “Look for strings while pages are rendered” setting.
Additional options might be to look at the
Gravity Forms Multilingual
Other resource
`Fixing Compatibility With Other Plugins and Themes
Achieving WPML Compatibility for Your Themes and Plugins
Hope this helps.
I already tried the option to look for strings while pages are rendered and it doesn’t work.
This may be due to the your form using ajax and loading the validation after page load.
If that doesn’t work we can look into adding some filters to allow you to manipulate the validation message setting before they are output.
You can also look at using https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_validation/ filter to catch the forms validation results and alter/translate the message
I saw your last release mentions that you’ve done a change to allow translating some strings. However, when I enter a custom message in your plugin, I still cannot find my custom message in WPML String Translation.
It’s not about ajax, it’s about compatibility with WPML. Please try it yourself, add a custom error message and try to find that message in WPML String Translations.