• zayed.seraj


    We are creating a new website where we import posts from facebook and into wordpress, we are using the facebook post ID in wordpress, when we tried to create a new post from within wordpress the post IDs continued from the last post inserted in the website from facebook instead starting from 1,2… etc
    The main issue was the images (both inserting images into post or set image as featured), the images are being uploaded but inserting or setting as featured image do not work in most of the times.

    To make sure it is related to large post ID, we have created a fresh installation, removed all plugins, and added a new post, everything was fine … we have imported one post with large post ID (10454157238915789) then we tried to insert/update posts and the same issue occurred, we have reset the auto increment in the posts table and inserted a new post and everything worked fine.

    To reproduce it again we did the following:
    1- install a fresh wordpress.
    2- update the posts table auto increment value as follows:

    ALTER TABLE wp_posts AUTO_INCREMENT = 10454157238915789;

    3- try to create new post and insert images (in case it worked please try again and it will occur).


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