• Hello,

    Anybody any tips on how i can import the news posts from our old website in the new WordPress website. I want to do this inluding the images (in the featured image) and put them in the right category.

    The old content is on (dutch) http://www.peelenmaasonline.nl/index2.php?pid=63&sub=6&ssub=22&taalkeuze=1.
    I have acces with ftp to the original images and got an mysql export file (not in in 1 table, but in 3….). My join select only shows 1958 records…

    SELECT DISTINCT news_id, category_id, newsdate, title, desc_short, desc_full, CONCAT( "http://dev.munckhofweb.nl/temp/nieuwsfoto's/", map_naam, "/", bestand_naam ) AS image
    FROM mod_news n
    JOIN alg_bestanden b ON n.file_id1 = b.bestand_id
    JOIN alg_mappen m ON m.map_id = b.bestand_map
    LIMIT 0 , 30

    I hope somebody can help me to import my almost 10.000 news posts.

    many thanks.

    Bye Wilbert

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