• tainanmf


    Olá, estou com problemas na biblioteca. Eu faço o upload das imagens e coloca elas em seus devidos lugares, depois ela somem e fica só um icone cinza.

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by tainanmf.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @tainanmf!

    I don’t speak Portuguese, but did a quick google translate of your post:

    Hello, I have problems with the library. I upload the images and put them in their proper place, then it fades and it’s just a gray icon.

    Can you describe what the gray icon is? Can you still see the images if you click on the gray icon and then try to edit the image? Do you get any kind of error message when uploading the images?

    I’ve had something similar happen to me in the past, where the problem was that the file name of my image was too long that it somehow got truncated after upload. The fix was to give my files shorter file names and re-upload them.

    Also, in case you were not aware, there’s a specific Portuguese site for WordPress support here: https://pt.wordpress.org/support/forums/

    Thread Starter tainanmf


    Olá Enrique @nrqsnchz ,
    Obrigada pela resposta. Não apresenta nenhum erro quando clico no icone . Fica dessa forma na biblioteca https://ibb.co/MGzKPYv .
    OBS: Fiz recentemente mudanças no site, trocas a hospedagem, fiz o backup para o novo servidor, lá tinha imagens antigas e essas não somem. Só somes as recentes.


    Thanks for the reply. There are no errors when I click on the icon. It looks like this in the library https://ibb.co/MGzKPYv.
    NOTE: I recently made changes to the site, changed the hosting, backed up to the new server, there were old images and these do not fade. Just the recent ones.

    What do you see when you click on one of the gray icons? Does it take you to the image’s details?

    Thread Starter tainanmf


    @nrqsnchz Sim leva aos detalhes da imagem, mas ela não aparece.

    Can you share a screenshot of what the image’s detial view looks like? I mean this view: https://cldup.com/4ALsBtoKmb.png

    Thread Starter tainanmf


    @nrqsnchz https://ibb.co/FKzNpZk
    Aí como aparece! Se eu entrar o link, a imagem aparece lá. https://ong-cdm.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/voluntários6.png É sinal que ela está no diretório. Eu pensei ser o tema. Mas estou usando o mesmo tema em outro site da mesma rede e lá está tudo normal.

    https://ibb.co/FKzNpZk This is how it appears! If I enter the link, the image appears there: https://ong-cdm.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/voluntários6.png

    It is a sign that the image is in the directory. I thought that was the theme. But I’m using the same theme on another site on the same network and everything is normal.

    That is indeed odd 🤔. So the image is in the server, but for some reason WordPress is not recognizing it. This is probably related to the changes you made recently:

    I recently made changes to the site, changed the hosting, backed up to the new server, there were old images and these do not fade. Just the recent ones.

    I would suggest checking with your hosting provider, since this may be related to file permissions.

    Thread Starter tainanmf


    @nrqsnchz Entrei em contato com o servidor mas eles não conseguiram resolver. Então eu percebi que quando eu atualizava o menu, as imagens somem. e o menu fica sem link.

    I contacted the server but they could not resolve it. Then I realized that when I updated the menu, the images disappear. and the menu is unlinked.

    I don’t know what could be causing this. Let’s see if someone else knows and can help you.

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Olá, tudo bem?

    Parece que essa imagem não foi inserida corretamente dentro do banco de dados ou está tendo algum conflito com plugins/temas.

    Você mencionou mudanças no servidor, você tentou subir as imagens diretamente dentro do /wp-content/? É importante destacar que você precisa subir imagens/arquivos pelo painel para fazer o cadastro correto dentro do banco de dados.

    Aproveito para complementar o que o @nrqsnchz mencionou anteriormente em inglês, temos comunidades locais onde você pode conseguir ajuda em português, recomendo que abra o tópico por lá se precisar de ajuda em português novamente no futuro:

    Brasil: https://br.wordpress.org/support/forums/
    Portugal: https://pt.wordpress.org/support/forums/

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