• Hi,

    My website is

    I am having problems getting my URL links to pre-fill with the thumbnail image and the rest of the back-end SEO things like the intro to the article etc. I’ve been experiencing this problem for about the past 4 days or so, sometimes my link work but more times than not nothing shows

    I put one of the problematic URL’s in the Facebook debugger and this is the error messages I received

    Like Button Warnings That Should Be Fixed
    Admins And App ID Missing fb:admins and fb:app_id tags are missing. These tags are necessary for Facebook to render a News Feed story that generates a high click-through rate.
    Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
    Parser Mismatched Metadata The parser’s result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched. Here are the input properties that were not seen in the parsed result: ‘og:type’

    one of the problematic links is here

    I’m new to wordpress, so please pardon any obvious ignorance on my part and Thank You


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