• Resolved K33k00


    Last night I was tweaking a few things, as I’ve just moved from .com

    As far as I could tell it was all working when I went to bed last night. I’ve just loaded my site up today and i’m receiving
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method TC_post_thumbnails::tc_get_thumbnail_data() in /home1/k33k00/public_html/wp-content/themes/customizr Junior/functions.php on line 123

    I’m running the customizr theme, with a child theme i’m creating myself. I’ve just removed the custom functions.php, and it works again, but without my slider.

    The slider is from the customizr snippets, it pulls or was pulling when it worked. 5 recent posts and displaying them on my front page.

    The site is, http://elitegrandiosity.com, if you need a look

    Unfortunately i’m at work so can’t use pastebin so i’m going to have to post the code underneath.

    add_filter('tc_core', 'use_custom_slider_class');
    function use_custom_slider_class($classes){
        //don't instantiate default class
        unset( $classes['content'][
            array_search(array('inc/parts','slider'), $classes['content'])
        //instantiate our class
        new TC_Slider_mod;
        return $classes;
    add_filter('tc_slider_name_id', 'my_slider_of_posts');
    function my_slider_of_posts( $slider_name_id ){
        if ( $slider_name_id == 'recentposts' )
            return array(
                'slider'    => 'recentposts',
                'query'     => array(
                    //'tag'            => "recentposts",
                    'posts_per_page' => 5,
                    'order'          => 'desc'
        return $slider_name_id;
    define('CUSTOMIZR', get_template_directory() );
    require_once( CUSTOMIZR . '/inc/parts/class-content-slider.php');
    class TC_Slider_mod extends TC_slider{
        // override tc_get_slides
        function tc_get_slides($slider_name_id, $img_size){
            if ( ! is_array($slider_name_id) )
                return parent::tc_get_slides($slider_name_id, $img_size);
            // from here starts a slightly different version of the parent::tc_get_slides
            $all_sliders              = tc__f('__get_option' , 'tc_sliders');
            $saved_slides             = ( isset($all_sliders[$slider]) ) ? $all_sliders[$slider] : false;
            //if the slider not longer exists or exists but is empty, return false
            if ( !isset($saved_slides) || !is_array($saved_slides) || empty($saved_slides) )
            global $wp_query, $wp_the_query, $post;
            $wp_query = new WP_Query($query);
            // if you don't want to show the first attachment when featured image isn't set
            // remove the line below
            add_filter('tc_show_single_post_content', '__return_false');
            // build our array of slides
            //initialize the slides array
            $slides   = array();
            //init slide active state index
            $i        = 0;
            while ( have_posts() ){
                $title                  = $post->post_title;
                $default_title_length   = apply_filters( 'tc_slide_title_length', 80 );
                $title                  = ( strlen($title) > $default_title_length ) ? substr( $title,0,strpos( $title, ' ' , $default_title_length) ). ' ...' : $title;
                //lead text
                $text                   = get_the_excerpt();
                $default_text_length    = apply_filters( 'tc_slide_text_length', 250 );
                $text                   = ( strlen($text) > $default_text_length ) ? substr( $text,0,strpos( $text, ' ' ,$default_text_length) ). ' ...' : $text;
                //button text
                $button_text            = __('Read more &raquo;', 'customizr');
                $default_button_length  = apply_filters( 'tc_slide_button_length', 80 );
                $button_text            = ( strlen($button_text) > $default_button_length ) ? substr( $button_text,0,strpos( $button_text, ' ' ,$default_button_length)). ' ...' : $button_text;
                //link post id
                $link_id                = get_the_id();
                $id                     = $link_id;
                //button link
                $link_url               = $link_id ? get_permalink( $link_id ) : 'javascript:void(0)';
                //sets the first slide active
                $active                 = ( 0 == $i ) ? 'active' : '';
                $color_style            = '';
                //attachment image
                $alt                    = apply_filters( 'tc_slide_background_alt' , trim(strip_tags( get_the_title() ) ) );
                $slide_background       = $this -> tc_get_thumbnail_data($img_size, $alt);
                //adds all values to the slide array only if the content exists (=> handle the case when an attachment has been deleted for example). Otherwise apply a default slide
                if ( empty($slide_background) )
                    $slide_background   = wp_get_attachment_image( $saved_slides[1], $img_size, false, array( 'class' => 'slide' , 'alt' => $alt ) );
                $slides[$id]            = array(
                                        'title'               =>  $title,
                                        'text'                =>  $text,
                                        'button_text'         =>  $button_text,
                                        'link_id'             =>  $link_id,
                                        'link_url'            =>  $link_url,
                                        'active'              =>  $active,
                                        'color_style'         =>  $color_style,
                                        'slide_background'    =>  $slide_background,
                //increments active index
            }//end of slides loop
            // if you chose to not show the first attachment when featured image isn't set
            // remove the line below
            remove_filter('tc_show_single_post_content', '__return_false');
            $wp_query = $wp_the_query;
            //returns the slides or false if nothing
            return ( !empty($slides) ) ? $slides : false;
        function tc_get_thumbnail_data($img_size, $alt){
            $attachment_id = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'slide_img');
            if ( $attachment_id )
                return wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id[0], $img_size, false, array('class' => 'slide' , 'alt' => $alt) );
            return TC_post_thumbnails::$instance -> tc_get_thumbnail_data($img_size)[0];
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