Can you please provide a link to your website? Also, this plugin works with all of the WordPress default themes so can you please let us know what theme you are referring to? Also, the “legal notice” you mention, is this the Privacy Policy?
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Woops! Sorry Oliver.
website is aromatraining.com
theme is twentytwelve
yes, Privacy Policy link (sorry I translated from spanish 😉
I already have that link in the footer (using https://wordpress.org/plugins/footer-putter/ ), and would like to get rid of the standard one
Aha, OK, I think what you want is already in WordPress Core.
If you go to …
Dashboard -> Settings -> Privacy
… and then on this page, click on the dropdown menu and choose “- Select -” (or whatever the Spanish equivalent is) and then click “Use This Page”.
That will prevent WordPress from knowing you have a privacy policy which will, in turn, prevent the theme from automatically displaying it.
Please let me know if this does what you require.
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That works!
thanks a lot Olivier!