• Resolved rishabhsingh12


    On my website icons are not appearing on certain pages like: blog page, category page, post page.
    But on home page they are appearing fine.

    What could be the issue?

    Problem started since I uninstalled a plugin called Orbit Fox.
    As soon as I Install the plugin back they starts appearing again.

    Any solution?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • The issue is due to your theme loading fontawesome 5 css while the icon you used on footer for example is using font awesome 4 system: fa fa-twitter. Probably the plugin you mentioned adds that font awesome 4 support and prevents the issue.

    There are ways to add support for font awesome 4 and in that case, you would have to use a plugin which can do it such as https://wordpress.org/plugins/font-awesome/

    And, if you haven’t had the chance to update your project in a long while, you can turn on automatic compatibility for Font Awesome Version 4.

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