Hi @phanhuutricntt,
Thanks for the feedback. Will try to add something like “Order status to calculate profit” option in next plugin version.
Can you give me when you will have new features. I really need it for my works.
Hi @phanhuutricntt,
We are planning to release the new version next week.
OH, it’s great news. Thanks you so much
Will you release new version this week? Thanks you
Hi @phanhuutricntt,
Yes, we are planning to release on Friday.
Can you give this plugin filter invoices with date of change status. I will give a example: I want filter invoices is changed status to completed today or any date is selected
Hi @phanhuutricntt,
Regarding invoices – sorry, but I’m not sure if I understood you correctly, could you please try explaining it to me once again.
Regarding delaying profit calculation till some status (e.g. completed) – I’m basically finished, it will be included in tomorrow’s release. Meanwhile, I’ve realized that you can achieve similar results by simply hiding non-completed orders profit etc. That is:
- you can hide profit value in admin “Orders” list with our “Order profit > Order statuses” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Orders > Admin Orders List Columns”,
- and for the reports, you can set it in “Orders report: Order status” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Tools & Reports > Reports”.
Hi Algoritmika Ltd,
Thanks for your reply. I see some limitations in your plugin with my work.
First, I want filter orders by date of completion, and or date of status change because your plugin is using date created for calculate profit
Second, I want to select invoices for calculating profit for the period that the invoice is completed.
Let me give you a example as below:
I created 10 orders today(08/21/2020). Tommorow(08/22/2020), I have 5 orders change status to completed so I want your plugin can filter orders is changes status in 08/22/2020 and calculate profit with theses invoices.
You can see this request, I think you can understand my request https://ideas.woocommerce.com/forums/133476-woocommerce/suggestions/32296696-filter-orders-by-date-of-completion-and-or-date-o
Woocomerce always use date created to filter orders but I want filter order with date of completion, and or date of status change. This funtion is very important with all shop because we need see orders completed in a day. I also copy a sugest from Woocomerce page as below:
Filter orders by date of completion, and or date of status change.
Dates of orders changing status of any kind are vitally useful, having ONLY the date created search option is VERY limiting. Every single user of the woocomerce platform could benefit from adding more date search-ability and the information is all present in the comments section of date created.
I mean your plugin is using created date to calculate profit but I need calculate profit with date of status change in invoices.
I am sure you will sell a lot with this plugin if you add the function to filter invoices by status change date and calculate the profitability of invoices during the change period. I searched all of them on google but did not find any plugin that can do this. This is an extremely important function for any e-commerce website
Hi @phanhuutricntt,
As promised, we’ve released new plugin v2.1.0 today. I’m still not sure if I understood your task correctly, but hopefully I did… So now, after plugin update, you will find new “Delay calculations” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Orders > Calculations”. There you will be able to set order status(es) to delay order profit calculation. Order profit, cost etc. will be set to zero until order status changes to the required status. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.
Please let me know date of invoices you calculate profit? You will base date created or date of status change?