• In a multi-site environment,
    On the setting screen, even if you change the default privacy policy, it will not be saved.
    Fix buddydrive-settings.php.

    From line 513
    Function buddydrive_handle_settings_in_multisite () {

    If (‘POST’! == strtoupper ($ _ SERVER [‘REQUEST_METHOD’])))

    Check_admin_referer (‘buddydrive_settings’, ‘_wpnonce_buddydrive_setting’);

    ※from here
    $ Buddydrive_default_privacy = buddydrive_sanitize_default_privacy ($ _POST [‘_ buddydrive _ default_privacy’]);
    If (! Empty ($ buddydrive_default_privacy))
    Bp_update_option (‘_buddydrive_default_privacy’, $ buddydrive_default_ privacy);
    ※So far

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by wildcard20.
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