• Resolved jeffreytong726


    A pop-up banner was set up for Australian customers. In the pop-up banner setting, we chose to trigger the pop-up banner for a customer whose country is australia. However, in our testing, with USA IP and USA shipping address, we still trigger the pop up. Please advise.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726,

    Sorry to know that you are experiencing this issue.

    I checked this on a test website but couldn’t replicate the issue. Can you please share the pop-up’s export so we can take a closer look at how the pop-up is configured?

    Ref: https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/hustle/#module-dashboards

    Please share the export using Google Drive or DropBox.

    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

    Thread Starter jeffreytong726


    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726

    Thank you for sharing the form!

    I’ve imported it to my own test site and checked. The popup seems to be configured correctly and with “live” testing I wasn’t able to replicate the issue: I’ve asked my colleagues from different parts of the world to visit the page with this popup (without VPN) and none of them – outside of Australia – could see it.

    Interestingly though, I was able to replicate the issue in a bit different way: I used basic VPN built-in into Opera browser. Out of the box it provides four options only – no VPN (so in my case it was visit from Poland) and then “Europe”, “Asia” and “America” VPNs. Surprisingly, I could see the popup with… Europe selected only (but not without VPN and not for other two locations).

    So I’d say the issue isn’t quite with Hustle visibility rules “per se” but rather with some incorrect recognition of IP location.

    Since I don’t know what IPs did you check it from, could you please check what location services are returning for your IPs (those that are incorrectly recognized)?

    First, check them all with by replacing XXX in this URL with IP


    and second with this one (also replace XXX with IP)


    I suppose the first one may be returning just XX in response (but please confirm that) and let me know about response from the second one. It’s possible that our developers may need to change the way we are checking IPs but let’s please confirm that first.

    Let me know about check results here.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter jeffreytong726


    Hi @wpmudev-support8,

    I did try to test with the way you provided and the first one returns just XX in response.

    The second one returns the following codes.

      "geoplugin_credit":"Some of the returned data includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from <a href='http:\/\/www.maxmind.com'>http:\/\/www.maxmind.com<\/a>.",
      "geoplugin_region":"Central and Western District",
      "geoplugin_regionName":"Central and Western District",
      "geoplugin_countryName":"Hong Kong",
    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726

    Thanks for response!

    The response from the first URL (which gave XX) is what I expected and it shouldn’t make a difference as it’s not used by default (I just wanted to confirm its behavior) but the second one – which is default one used by Hustle to check country – surprised me a bit because it’s correct detection.

    I could confirm it for this IP with other services too (including MaxMind) – so if you visit from this IP, the popup should not show up unless

    – in some way popup got cached
    – the IP that plugin sees is not really this IP (which can happen in rare cases with some CDNs and/or proxy in front of the site)
    – or there’s some conflict on site

    I did some more testing on my end but I’ll need to ask you additional questions:

    1. you mentioned some US IPs – could you check those with this URL too and see if they are correctly identified as US (same as previously, just replace XXX with IP)?


    2. is there any cache on site/server? If yes, could you try temporarily disabling it entirely and checking if the same issue happens?

    3. what happens if you temporarily pause CloudFlare for the site – is the same issue happening?

    Let me know please

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Nithin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726,

    Since we haven’t heard from you for a while. I’ll mark this thread as resolved for now. Please feel free to re-open the thread if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter jeffreytong726


    Dear sir,

    The issue occurs again due to unknown reason, please help to check if you can replicate the pop up issue at our site checkout.

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726

    I check and I could see the popup there at checkout, even though I’m not in Australia. So yes, something is “off” there.

    I’m still not quite sure what as we’ve discussed some possibly related things here already. But I’ve noticed two additional issues now on your site that may be related:

    – there’s a number or warnings/notifications in browser console related to Hustle scripts and jQuery itself
    – and if I’m seeing correctly, the version of jQuery used on site is quite old – 1.12.4 while currently it would be 3.6.x I believe.

    This is a huge difference and may result in a lot of issues, including breaking behavior of popups (regardless of whether the visitor origin is correctly detected or not).

    I’m wondering, however, why is that so – assuming that site is up to date that would mean that it was intentionally changed. Is there any reason for that? Do you know why/how is it changed and if yes- could you try bringing back the “stock” 3.6 version – then clear all caches and check if it’s working or if the issue is still there?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter jeffreytong726


    Hi Adam,

    We’ve updated Jquery, and it does not help. Please advise thanks.

    Plugin Support Zafer – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jeffreytong726,

    I hope you are doing well today!

    I assume you are using the latest version of Hustle, if not please update and try again. If it is the same then please try installing https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-jquery-migrate-helper/ and then try again.

    If that does not help either then I would suggest to run plugin/theme conflict test.

    Please make sure you have recent backups and perform this operation on your dev/staging site if possible.

    To learn more about a plugin conflict test, please see this guide below:

    Check out this handy flowchart of the troubleshooting process detailed above.

    Please let us know the results.

    Kind regards,

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