• Resolved itsmir



    We have a form integrated with HubSpot. Under the integration tab we have set conditions in which the data will not be sent for Hubspot & all is working as expected.

    For this entries that don’t get sent, it would be really great if we could somehow include this info in the Notification email – a message the that the submitted data had not been sent to HubSpot.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Support Saurabh – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @itsmir

    Hope you are doing fine!

    If the integration is based on the content of the fields in the form, you can create a condition in the notifications section. You can set up rules to send emails only if certain values are found. Please check the following link in our documentation for more info:


    Hope this information helps.

    Kind regards


    Thread Starter itsmir


    is it possible to set a condition to send/block a notification mail if the value input in one field exists in the drop-down of another field?

    So for instance, don’t send if email address = any value in {select-1) drop-down.

    If this is possible then this would be a solution for us.

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @itsmir

    There can be conditions set, similar to those that can be set for form fields but this kind of conditions is not currently possible, I’m afraid. Comparing one field against other (especially one with multiple options) would require quite a bit of additional custom code and providing such code goes out of the scope of this support.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter itsmir


    No problem. I can manually add the 15 values from the dropdown to conditions for 2 different notifications. We just need to keep these conditions in mind as the values in the dropdown change over time.

    Thank you for your time.

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