• Hi,
    i’m using a multisite WordPress configuration.
    I have recently upgraded my WordPress Version from 3.1 to 3.3.1 and i have some problems with authentication.
    The main problem is that, from the previuous versions, at every news site configuration, i change the default domain level.
    The main domain is “blog.domain.com” so, creating new sites, WordPress create domains like “newblog.blog.domain.com”.
    So every time, I manually change the domain info from “newblog.blog.domain.com” to “”newblog.domain.com”.
    Everthing works finw until latest upgrade to 3.3.1

    Now, leaving the same configuration, I’m unable to authenticate into secondary blogs; I’m able to authenticate only into the main blog.

    So, I have tested many configuration and these are the results:
    TEST N.1

    1. Removed the “define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘blog.domain.com’ )” line into wp-config.php
    2. Changed the “domain” filed into wp_site db table from “blog.domain.com” to “domain.com”


    1. I’m able to authenticate on all blogs
    2. All “network admin” link are broken because points on “http://domain.com/…” instead of “http://blog.planetek.it/…”
    3. Also, if I manually try to use network links like “http://blog.domain.com/wp-admin/network/sites.php”, I’m redirected to “http://domain.com/wp-admin/network/sites.php”

    TEST N.2

    1. Added the “define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘blog.domain.com’ )” line into wp-config.php
    2. Changed the “domain” filed into wp_site db table from “domain.com”


    1. I’m unable to authenticate on all blogs
    2. I can only authenticate on primary blog “blog.domain.com”
    3. All “network admin” works fine

    So the questions are:
    – Can WordPress use multi site configurations with same level domain names (like blog1.domain.com, blog2.domain.com, etc.)
    – If YES, wich are the right parameters?

    Thanks 😉

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  • I think you’re trying to install WPMU in a subdomain, which won’t work..

    2. Install WordPress 3.3.1
    Install WordPress 3.3.1 to the root of your public_html directory. It has to be at the root or the multi-site feature won’t work. Follow the instructions for Installing WordPress in the Codex.

    source: http://codex.wordpress.org/Migrating_Multiple_Blogs_into_WordPress_3.0_Multisite

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Advisor and Activist

    Axel13 my man, that is 100% wrong.

    The wording is really weird… and that page needs help. You REALLY should read this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network

    I promise EVERYONE. You can install in subdomain or subfolder. All that means is you have to keep that subdomain/subfolder in your URL, and you can’t map TLDs.

    So if you install in foobar.example.com ALL your sites will be foobar.example.com/sitename.

    Ditto example.com/foobar/

    – Can WordPress use multi site configurations with same level domain names (like blog1.domain.com, blog2.domain.com, etc.)

    Yes. But to do THAT you must be installed in domain.com.

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