Hi, sorry for the late reply, the corona time is somewhat turbulent.
With the new Update v1.4.2 I have added the following language files: en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_NZ, en_SA.
Please write me back if there are still problems.
If you like the plugin I would be very grateful for a rating.
I installed the Download plugin but I can’t set it in English. Can you explain to me how this is done?
Thank you!
Hi cartepentrusuflet, I am working on it to change the default language from german to english.
There comes a update in the next days to fix this.
Best regards.
Yes, it works now.
An offtopic question:
For a new archive, can I upload files from the WordPress media library or just from the computer?
Thank you!
Very good @cartepentrusuflet, at the moment you can only upload files directly from the computer.
Maybe this feature will come in the future.
Best regards.