Q1.) How To Skip Importing Images?
Ans.) Do the following steps to stop importing “Images”.
1.) Go To Your FTP.
2.) Edit “wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php”.
3.) Find The Below Line…
const IMPORT_IMG = true; // Should we import the images (boolean)
4.) Replace it with the below line…
const IMPORT_IMG = false; // Should we import the images (boolean)
5.) Save and done.
Q2.) How To Skip Importing Links?
Ans.) Do the following steps to stop importing “Links”.
1.) Go To Your FTP.
2.) Edit “/wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer-blog.php”.
3.) Find The Below Lines…
if (!$this->process_links())
4.) Replace It With The Below Lines…
// if (!$this->process_links())
// return(‘continue’);
5.) Save And Done.
Finally this problem is solved. Read the above replies to get your solutions too if you want to do the same as I did…
Glad you worked this out yourself. I’m curious to know why you did not want to process the images and links?
Thanks for reply.
The reason for skipping links is because due to an error that I also asked at support at Images Are Not Importing Completely. Why?.
The reason for skipping links is because when I will make my WordPress URL same as was in Blogger then why I need to change internal link as they will work perfectly because I will make my all WordPress posts URLs as same as they were in Blogger.