• Resolved danezeq


    I was able to do it on ver3 via css code but now i can’t, and it doesnt fit to hebrew interface. is there any way i can set popup windows to RTL?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author MultiVendorX


    Hi @danezeq, thanks for getting in touch with us.

    For now, the enquiry form on your site looks like this : http://scrgrb.in/vfw

    May I know what changes are you looking for, so we can help you out.

    Thread Starter danezeq


    all contect in this window was used to set to RTL, now it’s LTR

    Thread Starter danezeq


    i rolled back the whole website prior to wordpress update (and WC Catalog Enquiry plugin update)
    reopen the link please, this is how it should look like.

    thanks for your reply 🙂

    Rajsekhar Chatterjee


    Hi @danezeq,
    Yes, we have checked your site. There is the only way you can do it by using CSS. In WordPress’s new version they have changed their style structure. We don’t change anything on our front end. Please check https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_text_align.asp this link. It may help you out.

    Thread Starter danezeq


    i know this code, i don’t know where to insert it.
    i have the free version of WC Catalog enquiry.

    Rajsekhar Chatterjee


    Hi @danezeq,
    We have a frontend.css file in our plugin folder. you can easily add any CSS there. But if you update your plugin then your changes will gone. So it’s recommended to use inline CSS. Like this way —

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_frontend_styles', 999);
    function custom_frontend_styles() {
      $inline_css = "add_your_css_here";
      wp_add_inline_style('wce_frontend_css', $inline_css);
    Thread Starter danezeq


    Thanks. What is inline css? where should insert this code?

    Rajsekhar Chatterjee


    We have already provided you coding structure.. USe it in your currently active theme functions.php file. But before that replace add_your_css_here this text with your CSS.

    Thread Starter danezeq


    Hey again.
    Sorry. i lost you.
    can you possibly describe the whole procedure step by step with the exact code i need to include, and where exactly should i put it?

    This is the css code i have right now. should i include this?
    .modal-body { text-align: right; } .modal-footer .btn.btn-default { display: none; } #woo_catalog .modal-content .modal-footer { text-align: left !important; } .modal-footer .btn.btn-primary { margin: 0; } #woo_catalog .modal-header h2 { text-align: center; width: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; }

    i dont know coding. a friend wrote it to me.

    Rajsekhar Chatterjee


    Hi @danezeq ,
    If your css is right then this is your code below –

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_frontend_styles', 999);
    function custom_frontend_styles() {
      $inline_css = ".modal-body { text-align: right; } .modal-footer .btn.btn-default { display: none; } #woo_catalog .modal-content .modal-footer { text-align: left !important; } .modal-footer .btn.btn-primary { margin: 0; } #woo_catalog .modal-header h2 { text-align: center; width: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; }";
      wp_add_inline_style('wce_frontend_css', $inline_css);


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