• ResolvedModerator t-p



    I have migrated my blog WP (2.8.6), default theme, no plugins.

    My blog has no categories. So I removed “uncategory” from the sidebar.

    But Also, at the bottom of all posts, I see this: “Posted in Uncategorized”.

    1. Which file I need to modify to remove “Posted in Uncategorized”?
    2. Any side-affects of this removal?



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  • If you are seeing it on your homepage, then it is usually in the home.php or index.php.

    If it is on the individual post pages, you’ll want to edit single.php.

    Look for:
    <?php the_category(', ') ?>

    That’s what you’ll want to remove. Shouldnt hurt anything.

    Moderator t-p


    Thanks tluskie for reply,
    appreciate your help and time.


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