• How can we keep AddThis buttons from showing up in our forum? Because the nature of our niche is so sensitive, forum members really, really want to make sure their posts are private.

    Our site is here: http://www.noonesthebitch.com/

    We were able to select “Exclude this page” from our Forums page, which has our bbpress index on it, but a row of AddThis buttons is still showing up at the top of each TOPIC.

    So on one forum, with several topics, you have row after row of AddThis buttons! Then on each particular topic itself with posts, you have a row at the top of the page. So much for seeming like you have privacy…

    I found this thread here about this topic, but don’t really understand where to add this code: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/exclude-addthis-from-individual-pages?replies=22

    Can someone please help? We’re getting a lot of traffic today because of a national article elsewhere and this problem is a bummer!


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  • You might want to post this on the bbpress site? Unless someone here can see the code of the pages with the problematic buttons, it’s hard to be of help.

    Thread Starter JenniferNM


    Thanks, WPyogi.

    Yes, I’ve posted there before, but no one ever seems to answer! Thought I might have some luck here since probably others use bbpress and have run into this issue.

    In the “addthis” settings you can remove it from “PAGES” and only have it on “posts” or the blog. This is in the plugin options > advanced settings.

    Thread Starter JenniferNM


    Thanks, Mattmagi. We have removed it from “pages,” but for some reason, it’s still showing up in the forum topics. I guess it’s considering each topic as a post?

    Still hoping we can figure this out. 🙂

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