1. https://prnt.sc/ugy5p0 – This implies that you create a separate filter for each category.
2. https://prnt.sc/ugy750 – Then insert each filter using a shortcode into the corresponding category page.
With a large number of categories, this can take a long time, and in the future it can become difficult to change the filter configuration.
Read my answer in your previous thread.
Note: If you still decide to go this way, then the filters can be duplicated, while their settings will be duplicated: https://prnt.sc/ugyal9
I understand that i can make separate filters https://prnt.sc/ugy5p0
I Understand that each filter has his own shortcode https://prnt.sc/ugy750
But where can i make the relation between Filter<->Category ?
I use a shop sitebar and put de shortcodes in an html widget and insert all shortcodes.
[wpf-filters id=3]
[wpf-filters id=7]
[wpf-filters id=8]
But this doesn’t work. The separate filters are not working together.
i would be great that we can select specific categories by filter.
Display on pages >>>> Specific category
i would be great that we can select specific categories by filter.
Display on pages >>>> Specific category
We will add this capability.
It will take 1-2 weeks, I will let you know when it’s ready.
Hi @senatorman,
http://prntscr.com/uiy5h2 – The “Display for specific categories” will be available with the next plugin update.
Thx for the update 1.3.9 and 1.3.7
i’ve tested it, it works but not perfect for me.
Is it possible too make one default filter for all categories.
And only a filter for a specific category(s) may overrule the default filter?
Please contact our internal support team.
And describe in more detail what exactly needs to be done, if possible with screenshots.