You can hide the 3 images with placeholders by adding the code below in the wp-admin / Appearance / Customize / Additional CSS panel
.single-advert .related-thumb {
display: none !important;
Thank you, Greg! Your help is as always prompt and priceless! There is one more problem: in the general list of vacancies, the right sidebar is in its place. And if you go to categories, then for some reason this sidebar automatically goes down. How to fix it?
It would be best to ask the theme support about it, the question would be: why the custom taxonomy (in this case advert_category) pages are pushing the sidebar to the bottom and how to fix it?
One workaround would be to add the below code in your theme functions.php file
add_action( "wp_footer", function() {
if( ! is_tax( "advert_category" ) ) {
echo '<style type="text/css">';
echo '.penci-wide-content {';
echo 'width: 74%; float: left;';
echo '}';
echo '</style>';
} );
Thank you very much! The code helped!
Do you know what could be the reason that exactly the posts from the ad taxonomy do not want to be reposted on the social network automatically? I’ve already used two different plugins for this.
Wat do you mean by “posts from the ad taxonomy”? Which page is it exactly and how are you reposting it?
I mean advert post type. I try to autopost the ads to different social media using SNAP and FS Poster plugins, but nothing happends.
i am not familiar with these plugins so i cannot tell, when i will find some free time i will try looking into it.
I would be very grateful. I also discovered that for some reason the ads in the general list are shown scattered, although the block settings indicate that the newest ones should be at the top.
Can’t seem to replicate this on any of my dev sites, maybe you have some plugin installed that modifies the wp_posts DB queries (ie something that modifies the WP_Query object)?