• Hi all you smart people out there πŸ™‚

    First off: sorry if this has already been asked/answered! I just can’t seem to find it…

    ..but here goes:

    I have a site, where I have a specific URL which I would like to NOT translate. By this I mean, when I click the language switcher, I do not want this URL to get the prefix:


    Instead it should remain:


    Is this possible to do? If not in settings then somewhere “under the hood” in php perhaps?

    Thanks a ZILLION to anyone who can assist! πŸ™‚

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  • hi,

    did you find any solution to that ? I have the same problem here !

    Thread Starter kalledrengennr1


    Hey sdancer75,

    sorry to say I didn’t :-/ Well ..not the one I was looking for.

    What I needed was to exclude an url, that wa used by a specific plugin. As I just couldn’t get it to work, my solution has been to switch to another plugin, that used a different way of setting up slugs/urls.

    Let me know, if you think I can help you out in any way πŸ™‚

    You would only add the language you want and in Qtranslate settings you’d set the option to “Hide Content which is not available for the selected language.”

    Thread Starter kalledrengennr1


    Well problem for me has been, that the URL I needed to exclude was not a WP page. It was an URL used by a specific plugin.

    That meant I couldn’t se any language for this URL :-/

    Hi, I have the same problem. Have you found a solution?

    Temporarily I enabled the “Hide URL language information for default language.” and disabled the second language. As soon as I enable again the 2nd lagnuage I will try to find a solid solution.

    This problem does not exist in earlier versions of the plugin, for example 3.4.4. But 3.4.4 does not work properly with the latest WordPress

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