• I’ve been hunting around for a few hours to find answers to this. I’ve seen a few things, although most were a few years old.

    I have migrated my site from Joomla because I prefer wordpress. One thing I was able to easily do in Joomla was display a table of articles based on their category, section, tags, etc. I am trying to do something similar in WP.

    For instance, I have set up a custom post type called Recipes. I want to be able to display a list of these recipes in one or other of the the following ways:
    – A page that lists all the recipes showing only their titles, as links
    – A page that lists all the recipes showing their title (as a link) and the excerpt.

    The other thing I wish to do is display all the POSTS in a category in the same way I’ve listed above for Recipes.

    I currently use PlatformPro by Pagelines, but may soon be switching to Headway. I’ve yet to figure out how to correctly create custom pages with custom code in Pagelines. I am not sure how it will be with Headway just yet.

    Ideally I’d like to do this with a plugin, but I’ve not yet found a suitable plugin. I thought I had with the plugin WordPress Custom Post Type List but I’ve not managed to get it to work the way I thought it might.

    I also found this plugin, but as far as I can tell it only works with standard WP posts, and not custom post types.

    Any tips in this direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you…

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