• Resolved joy0114



    I have hidden some products inside my shop, and I wonder how I can prevent Product Feed to add them to the flux ?

    These products are not deleted.
    For these products, stock is 0, they are hidden in woocommerce (setting “visibility”), and as their url could have been recorded somewhere, there is a redirection (301), for each hidden product, toward its parent product category.

    With this way of proceeding, my hidden products are always in product feed.

    How can I get these products to stop appearing ?

    Thanks a lot for any help !

    Best regards

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  • Hi,

    Thanks for using our plugin and reaching out to us. This tutorial described how you can exclude those products from your feed: https://adtribes.io/how-to-exclude-hidden-products-from-your-product-feed/

    Hope this helps?

    Thread Starter joy0114



    Thanks for your quick answer.

    Well, I tried this (exactly this), and it does not work.
    As I said, concerned product are hidden (woocommerce visibility in product editing page).
    I created this filter as showed on help page, and after refreshing flux, hidden product are still in the xml file.

    There is no timestamp in this file, so I can’t be sure that’s the latest generated.
    Could it be a cached file ?
    Then, how to manually delete this flux (without deleting project), in order to make a real refreshed flux ?

    Thanks again for you support.

    “Could it be a cached file ?” –> Yes, the filter should work. When your hidden products are still in your feed than it looks like your feed is being cached. Are you using a (object) caching plugin or server-side caching?

    Thread Starter joy0114


    Yes, I use Litespeed, with object cache.

    I’m going to purge object cache, I come back…

    Thread Starter joy0114


    That’s OK with a full purge of Litespeed cache (not only object).

    Thanks ever so much for your help and very quick answers !
    I’m going to write a review, just now.

    Best regards

    Perfect, good to hear that solved the issue at hand.

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