Instead of dropdown, you can create links and use CSS to make them like buttons
Read this please – https://wordpress.currency-switcher.com/how-to-create-currency-links-without-shortcode/
Thank you but it did not work.
1) I’ve added the links as mentioned in the reference link. It looks good
2) I’ve added the script
<script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(function () { jQuery(‘.wpcs_curr_link’).click(function () { window.location.href = location.protocol + ‘//’ + location.host + location.pathname + ‘?currency=’ + jQuery(this).data(‘curr’); });});</script>
as custom script. But when I click on those buttons. It always adds ‘#’ as defined in href to the link and stays the same, does nothing.
Did I miss something here?
Can you drop me link to the issue? I will check it.
It’s password protected. How can I send you the private message with the credential?
I’ve resolved it myself. Thanks.
Now, I do have one problem.
1. I want CAD button to be selected by default. (I do have css code written already)
2. When EUR button is clicked. It needs to be selected and CAD to be un-selected.
How can I achieve this?
Create js code to add class to the button. Example: ” current-currency”. You can get current currency: https://wordpress.currency-switcher.com/function/wpcs-current_currency/
How can I send you the private message(use contact form) – https://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-currency-switcher/17450674/support
I’ve sent you the private message via contact form with all the details. Thank you.