How to avoid need for registration, sign-in & password
We are currently rebuilding a Wix site (see URL) as a PWA in WordPress.
After access has been granted to restricted pages, the site gives discount vouchers for various businesses. Each voucher must only be able to be claimed once.
I want to completely eliminate the need to:
– download an app’ (so have converted to PWA)
– register using FB, Google or email etc. (currently have no registration page)
– collect any personal information
– enter an access code or password when claiming specials through the site.99% of transactions will be through a mobile phone at P.O.S.
Currently, after an authorised agent has entered an access code on the customer’s phone they are directed straight to the PWA and an “Add to Home screen” function.
I am hoping to track all claims/transactions purely using the UA string of the user’s device. This is currently being done via an embedded Jotform form but I am not sure if the UA string information there is 100% unique. (or at least close to 100%)
Most importantly, it must be impossible to access the “Add to Home screen” by simply copying and sharing the URL.
My questions are:
– Is this all possible ? If so, what is the best approach ?
– How to block access to restricted pages without requiring sign-in/passwords etc. ?
– Is it possible to track all transactions via UA strings somehow in WordPress?Maybe this diagram below explains more clearly. in advance for any help. 🙂
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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