Do you want different registration form for each landing page ? Please confirm.
Hello Genetech
Thank you for your reply.
I have a total of 5 landing pages that I wish to create 5 differents WP users :
– 2 landings pages can share the same Pie Registration Form : creating 2 WP different users => subscriber1, subscriber2,
– 3 landings pages have different Pie Registration Form, creating => subscriber3, subscriber4, subscriber5
In order to assign different user roles in same form, you can use User Role dropdown from the Advance field tab – form builder. Free version comes with single form, if you want to create multiple forms or want to create custom user roles then these features are available in our PRO version
Hi Genetech,
Thank you for your reply
Greatly appreciate it.
I have bought now your Advance Paid Version
But, it only gives option of a dropdown list of WP role to the user ?
It is not what the website needs
We do not want the user to have to choose of a wp role
Can I receive clear steps on how to do this :
http://www.landingpage1.xyz => with Pie Form1 => creating => subscriber1 (wp role)
http://www.landingpage2.xyz => with Pie Form2 => creating => subscriber2 (added wp role)
Thank you very much for your support
You can assign default user role to each PR registration form. Edit your form settings and select user role from “Registering User Role” select box. See screenshot: https://prnt.sc/txomks
If you have pro version of Pie Register, please login to your store account and submit a support ticket.
Hi Genetech
Thank you for your reply
Sometimes I feel so stupid.
I looked everywhere, but not there !!!! lol
Thank you so much.
Next time I will post a request in the store account !
The best for your team
Your feedback is valuable for us. Can you please post your review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/pie-register/reviews/