• Resolved sasmj


    Can someone please guide me in how to add the Lost/Forgotten password link to the Login page? I cannot see an option in the settings. Thanks.

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  • Hi Sasmj, you need to ensure that you have a page that uses the [clean-login-restore] short code, then it will appear on your login page. If you don’t have a page set up that includes that, the link will not show. This is because it includes the lost password form.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    Thanks for answering so fast so good @lightwavin

    Thread Starter sasmj


    Thank you, that works, although how do I format the login page, as the ‘Lost Password?’ link appears at the bottom left of the corner and I’d like to bring it in line with the ‘REMEMBER?’ checkbox.

    Don’t know how to attach a screenshot, otherwise I would.

    You’ll have to do that with some additional css styling. Put it in your child theme, if you have one.

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