The featured pages on the front page in Goran are not designed to work with blog posts, only static pages — as you’ve discovered!
If the featured-pages area is the only place where you’re displaying the blog – i.e. if you won’t have a separate link to the blog page — then you could change the number of posts to be displayed under Settings > Reading, by changing the number next to “Blog pages show at most” to 1. Be sure there are no sticky posts, and use the Standard post format.
Let me know how it goes.
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Hi, that’s fast, thanks!
Well… this is a bit more complex.
On the homepage, one of the featured items actually is a link to the blog page that is also in the menu. On the front page I want to see only 1 item, but on the blog page I want an overview of max. 10 items.
I guess your suggestion doesn’t exactly match this.
I guess your suggestion doesn’t exactly match this.
Nope. 🙂 In this case, you could use a Recent Posts widget in the widget area below the Featured Pages, and set it to display only one post. The Featured Pages area isn’t really designed to display posts.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Kathryn Presner. Reason: fixed typo
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Aha. So… Then I’d like to do a suggestion: please make it possible to have both posts and pages in the featured area on the front page, displaying only 1 blog that it takes from the blog overview page 🙂 That way the latest post is always being displayed automatically.
In this case I’d like to resolve it by adding the link of the blog in that area, but I can’t. I can only choose from existing page names. (If this would have worked, this way my client has to replace the link manually when a newer blog is published.)
So… It’s quite a pitty that the theme makes me display stuff non freely. I have to pick items I don’t want there.
Here’s an idea: what if you don’t use the Featured Pages at all, and instead just use the three front-page widget areas instead. In the first two, use text widgets with HTML code that links to your two featured pages, and in the third, use a Recent Posts widget set to display one post.
That’s the best workaround I can think of for now!
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Great, thanks! There’s only one minor detail: this way I’d miss the option of the text field with button that is placed over the photo. And I need that. So… I already chose another subject for the front page.
But if it’s possible to integrate post and pages later, I’d love to know about it. Or maybe even my Plan B: choose a link or name of a post instead of only a page name from the drop down menu in the customizer.
Thanks anyway of your superfast answers, I learned a lot! Have a nice weekend.
this way I’d miss the option of the text field with button that is placed over the photo. And I need that.
You can do all that manually with HTML in the widget. 🙂 Everything that’s output automatically in the featured pages can be added in a text widget instead. Here’s example code from the demo:
<a class="post-thumbnail" href="">
<img width="314" height="228" src="" class="attachment-edin-thumbnail-landscape size-edin-thumbnail-landscape wp-post-image" alt="goran-grid-page" srcset=" 314w, 628w, 150w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 314px) 100vw, 314px" /></a>
<header class="entry-header"><h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Grid Page</a></h1></header>
<div class="entry-summary">
<p>The Grid Page Template displays all child pages of the page in a grid format. You might use this for your case studies or services page, for example.</p>
<p><a class="more-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Read more <span class="screen-reader-text">Grid Page</span> </a></p>
</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
You can tweak things with CSS.
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Ah, thanks! I’ll try and figure that out next week.