• Hi all. I want to put this:

    $cat = 2;
    // echo "<pre>"; print_r($category); echo "</pre>";
    echo $category->cat_name;

    into shortcode.

    For that i doing this:

    function cat_name_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
    		"name" => '3',
    		), $atts));
       return ' <?php
    $cat = ' . $name . ';
    echo $category->cat_name; ?> ' ;
    add_shortcode('cat-name', 'cat_name_shortcode');

    I using this code in template to view shortcode:

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[cat-name name="3"]'); ?>

    But i getting this on front end:

    cat_name; ?>

    What im doing wrong and how i can do that?


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