• How exactly do you customize the Adsense plugin to work with your account info?

    Also, what line do you edit to ensure that Martin (the author of the plugin) doesn’t get part of your Adsense money?

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  • I am also here to learn more on this but in the absence of an official reply I can tell you that much!

    Go to Options—>Adsence manager, and enter your publisher ID.You get that from Google.The channel is entered on the “manage ads” page.


    mreda: You no longer need to make sure I don’t get your money: the original Be Nice share was removed from around version 2.3.

    The latest version experiments with showing Alternate Ads to support development (plugin’s don’t write themselves you know) but you can switch that off from Options/Ads. Hope that makes sense!

    From October I’m heading back to University at the age of 27 to start a medical research degree. If I’m going to spend time on developing it’ll need to pay for itself (at least) or I’m off for a bar job @ £7 an hour!

    Just to confirm, you can switch off the Be Nice bit by entering 0 in the blue box on Options/AdSense Manager.

    It’s also worth downloading the latest version if you haven’t already for a number of bugfixes, etc.

    When I go to options I don’t see adsense in the submenu.

    If I go to my file manager on my web host I see the adsense.php file in the folder with all the other plug ins. The other plug ins appear in the options sub menu so I know that is the correct location for the adsense.php file.

    I cannot figure out why it doesn’t show up.

    Any ideas?


    Did you activate the Adsense plugin in the Plugin menu?


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