• Resolved amber@TLC


    I added team members to main page but upon hover the name/title goes away but the secondary I and color overlay doesn’t happen.

    I’ve disabled plugins to see if there was a conflict, but could not get to work.

    Please advise.


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  • Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    There maybe conflict with your theme too or CSS override.
    First of please give a live link so I could check out the problem.

    Thread Starter amber@TLC


    Hi yes, it looks like its the theme. I switched to one of the WP themes and the hover works as intended… is there anyway to figure out what the conflict is?

    the page in question is: http://tlccreative2.tlchosted.com/, scroll down to team. the last image is set using your plugin.

    thank you!

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi again,

    You need to add this CSS to your site. (You could use Customizer for that).

    .amoteam-member-hover-icon {
        z-index: 1;

    It will fix the issue.

    Also I think there is a possibility for such bug on other themes, so I’ll include this fix in the next update.

    Thread Starter amber@TLC


    Ah yes that fixed the icon! Is there a fix for the color overlay on hover too?

    thank you! 🙂

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Combined with the previous piece of code.

    .amoteam-tiles__item .amoteam-member:hover:before,
    .amoteam-member-hover-icon {
        z-index: 1;
    Thread Starter amber@TLC


    Worked like a charm.

    thank you! 🙂

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