• Megan


    Getting Adsense violation due to ads code placed on 404 error page. As per Google Adsense policy, 404 pages should not bear any AdSense ad code.

    But I used Adfoxlt sticky bottom anchor ads which bear Adsense code. To get rid of Adsense constant policy violation warning I need to frequently disable this plugin for only that 2-3 days its got disappeared from my AdSense dashboard.

    I asked the AdSense community they clearly said that any Adsense code should not bear any 404 pages or any page that has no content.

    Even Contact us
    Privacy policy page


    [You can check this page Adsense code present using “View Page source” from chrome.]

    Etc should be excluded from Adsense ad code.

    SO my only question is How to exclude those pages appearing AdSense code which is placed by automatically Adfoxly plugin.

    Is there any option to do that? Please let me know or add that feature.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author rafalosinski


    Hi @megastarsbio

    Thanks for your suggestion and information from AdSense community.
    I will fix this ASAP.

    Best regards, Rafał.

    Thread Starter Megan


    It would be very helpful to add an option so that any particular individual’s URL should be placed in exclude list.

    Just like Google have


    Plugin Author rafalosinski


    Hi @megastarsbio
    Now you can exclude 404 in Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Do not show ads on 404 error page -> Yes.

    Please update plugin to version 1.7.7

    I will also add function to exclude any URL in near future 🙂
    Is it that what you expect?

    Best Regards, Rafał!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by rafalosinski.
    Thread Starter Megan


    Yeah, exactly what I needed, not I; we all needed it, those who use this beneficial plugin for Adsense ads.

    But unfortunately, I updated and activated this plugin and tested any content, not in my blog. It’s bear 404 page. Means Page not found The AdSense code still present on it.

    You can check the below screenshot



    Thread Starter Megan


    Thanks Now it’s working. Actually, there was a cache that was creating problems right now there is no code on the 404 error page.

    Thanks for the update.

    Litlle helped needed.

    Sticky ads show on the left side of the screen how to show them in middle in the bottom section on any page?


    Plugin Author rafalosinski


    Hi @megastarsbio
    Happy to hear that actually works!

    => “Sticky ads show on the left side of the screen how to show them in middle in the bottom section on any page?”
    Sorry, but I don’t understand what exactly do you want at the end. Could you provide any mockup?

    Best regards, Rafał.

    Thread Starter Megan


    You can check this screenshot Bellow
    if ads show on the left side of the bottom page then it will not hit clicks.

    one thing to let you know For mobile screens it should not increase its size ads greater than 30%
    Because Google Adsense also violates this issue. SO please check this so that we can place responsive ads. fixed 350×100 ads are a little small in size.

    Ezoic enables this ad effectively. Even Google Adsense places this anchor ad very effectively but it shows on above on the mobile. Beyond clickable area.

    Check this site
    Where ads are placed in the middle: https://prnt.sc/1rmhyeg

    Ads foxily placing my ads on left bottom site: http://prnt.sc/1rmhfik


    Thread Starter Megan



    Please check these issues if possible please fix them…
    Thanks in advance

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Megan.
    Plugin Author rafalosinski


    Ok. Thanks @megastarsbio

    It should be overwritten by theme. I need more time to investigate. I will back to you shortly.

    Regards, Rafał.

    Plugin Author rafalosinski


    1.7.9 should be centered ad in sticky 🙂
    You can check is it OK for you.

    I will also fix 30% height issue ASAP

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by rafalosinski.
    Plugin Author rafalosinski


    @megastarsbio about 30% of size, I checked and I do not see any problem
    AdFoxly has 8% max of height. It should be OK even on mobile: https://cln.sh/1QhlCi

    Which ads do you mean?

    Thread Starter Megan



    I used fixed-sized ads 350×100
    unable to use responsive ads
    That’s why this it’s showing 8% maybe.

    But if this ads unit google AdSense always recommend us to change fixed to responsive so that it could get more ads choice.

    Another hand, the responsive ads unit covers more than 30% space of mobile.
    This is the problem, actually.

    Lastly in the Desktop sticky ads position is still on the left side…
    You can check it on desktop

    Thank you very much
    for putting effort to make this plugin Better and better and effective

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