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  • No plugin needed. Just modify your theme files a bit. Likely, in your sidebar.php, you’ll see one of these “Template Tags” in action:

    Figure out which one you’re using, then hit the reference (link above) and provide the arguments to not show the subs.

    For example, if you’re using list_cats(), set “hierarchical=FALSE”.

    Thread Starter fbctexhoma


    Sorry I don’t know a lot about modifying the the theme file, can you explain a little more in depth? For example I found that my template uses ‘the_category’ but past that I’m lost LOL

    Start by copying and pasting your “the_category” line here so we can see what arguments it currently has?

    Thread Starter fbctexhoma


    ‘<p class=”category”><?php _e(‘Posted in’,’andreas09′); ?> <?php the_category(‘, ‘)?> | <?php edit_post_link(__(‘Edit’,’andreas09′), ”, ‘ | ‘); ?> <?php comments_popup_link(__(‘No Comments »’,’andreas09′), __(‘1 Comment »’,’andreas09′), __(‘% Comments »’,’andreas09′)); ?>’

    try replacing this part:
    <?php the_category(', ')?>

    with this:

    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&hierarchical =FALSE')?>

    Thread Starter fbctexhoma


    Hum, that didn’t seem to work! As you can see on my blog the GA-About Catagory is actually a sub-category of Girls in Action and I’d either like it hidden or shown below and indented.


    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=0&hierarchical=1'); ?>

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