• Resolved tech techno


    i have 2 contributor on my wordpress and as we know whenever any other user edit wordpress post so this type of warning is showing to another users that (jhon(user) is currently editing) but i don’t want to show this message to my users..so there is any way to hide this post editing message whenever i edit post

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  • The post lock message and alert window is provided so that two people don’t edit the post at the same time ending up overwriting the content. While it can be disabled with following code, can you please tell me the use case why you want to do that?

    add_filter( 'wp_check_post_lock_window', '__return_false' );

    You can add this at the end of functions.php file of your theme OR if you are using a plugin like Code Snippets then you can add this snippet from WordPress dashboard also.

    Thread Starter tech techno


    thank you so much @wpcoworker . your code is works smoothly

    Glad to know that it works.

    Could you please share the reason why you wanted to disable that feature?

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