• Resolved mysticminimalistartisan


    Hi. I have a service based business so I would like to hide the shipping address on the page that loads when clicking the “Open print view in browser” link in the e-mail. From the FAQ I have tried the

    function example_removed_payment_method( $fields ) {
        unset( $fields['payment_method'] );
        return $fields;
    add_filter( 'wcdn_order_info_fields', 'example_removed_payment_method' );

    but I don’t know what to change the “example_removed_payment_method” & “payment_method” to.

    Also, I would like to change the color of the print button at the bottom to a more noticeable color so people see it better as it is easy to overlook (& my site color just happens to be the perfect color, LOL!). I have used the inspector & see it is defined by #navigation .button, but I can’t find this in the stylesheet. How can I change the color of the button?

    I would really appreciate any help. Love the plugin by the way, thanks for creating it!!!

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  • moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    If you had already removed the code from function.php then it wouldn’t show this Shipping Address N/A. Remove the code from the function.php file and save the function.php file again. Try in incognito mode and let us know.


    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    I logged in using an incognito window & it isn’t there. I took it out & it’s out. I’d be happy to provide you with a temporary login link if you’d like to look?

    moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    Yes, please send me the detail of the temporary login id and password on my email account mokshasharmila13@gmail.com.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by moksha shah.
    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan



    moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    You have uploaded the ‘print-order’ file in your theme/woocommerce/ that’s why the shipping address was still showing in your invoice. Now we have resolved your issue and the shipping address is now hidden. If you need the shipping address to be shown, you need to upload that code again.


    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    OMG! I can’t believe I did that! I feel like such an idiot! Thanks so much for your help!

    moksha shah


    @mysticminimalistartisan I understand. 🙂 I am glad it worked.

    It would be great if you can give a review for the plugin & the support on https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-delivery-notes/reviews/#new-post. That would be very helpful.


    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    I will.

    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    Hey @mokshasharmila13, I’m still going to leave a review, but I just wanted to say something real quick. I just logged in to ftp because I had to do something else & it always opens in the directory I was in last and the directory was /public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-delivery-notes/templates/print-order So, I didn’t actually upload that to my theme, I did in fact upload it to the plugin folder. I just remembered you saying that I uploaded it to the theme & when I saw that I was like WTH. And I got so busy that I didn’t actually check it after you said it was working I forgot to check it for myself & now I can’t cause I can’t access my website or my wp admin (a plugin I just installed is causing a Request Header Fields Too Large error on my site). So as soon as I get that fixed, I’ll check it for myself, but I just wanted to ask, were you able to view an invoice on my site without the shipping address?

    Thanks, sorry to be such a pain!

    moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    Yes, we have checked your invoice on your site without a shipping address. In your invoice shipping address is now hidden.


    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    Ok @mokshasharmila13, so I got my issue with not being able to access my site figured out & fixed. Turns out it was a corrupted firefox cookie file, who knew! OMG what a living nightmare that was!!! Anyways, I went ahead & viewed the invoice from my end & strangely enough it still has the dang shipping field, ugh! But, I backed up the files you updated before I restored a backup of my site while figuring all this out & then re-uploaded them afterwards. But I’m still seeing it so now I am baffled once again. I swear this is not my week! Anyways if you don’t mind would you be so kind as to login again (I just sent you a new link cause it was still created, but not the same for some reason) & check & make sure those changes are there? I definitely backed it up & restored it from the correct directory. Thanks so much!

    moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    Yes, we have made changes to your new site. In your invoice shipping address is now hidden. Sharing a screenshot of your Invoice.

    Screenshot:- https://prnt.sc/rpi99dQGVu2w.

    Please take a backup of the existing plugin.


    Thread Starter mysticminimalistartisan


    Oh awesome, THANK YOU! I just tested it & now it doesn’t show. I’ll make a backup right away. So every time I update the plugin, I’ll need to upload the edited print-order file again? And that won’t hinder any updates features?

    moksha shah


    Hi @mysticminimalistartisan,

    Yes, you need to upload the ‘print-content.php’ file which is inside the print-order file whenever the plugin updates. And it will not carry the new updated features.


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