Hi @thexconcept,
It looks like we’re not able to get your post titles, only the post ID. I’d like to run a fresh sync of your site to our servers, but we need to know your site’s URL so we can find it in our system.
Could you please post your site URL here so we can start a sync for you?
I’ve started a full sync of your site’s content, which should help. Please let us know if you still see the same issue after 24 hours.
Hi Dan, Everything still looks the same with the same issue.
Gave it a little time to see it it would change… but nope
Hey @thexconcept, thanks for the followup.
Do you know what that item should be? Is it definitely live content on your site, or could it be something you’ve deleted?
Hi Jen H.
I have no idea, there is a lot of content on this website. Nothing stands out, I have a redirection plugin to catch 404s and nothing stands out like this.
Hi @thexconcept,
Do you know if you imported posts from another blogging platform? It doesn’t matter if they’re deleted now. This could explain why the Stats are showing that post ID.