• Hello,

    I was looking for a solution so Contact Form 7 would block free emails (gmail, yahoo, etc.) in the email field. I found out this excellent post by kespinoza where J. Swindle resolved the issue with this code here . According to that post, the code should be inserted in the Contact Form 7 text.php file in the Modules folder, under the Validation filter comment (line 113). That was 2 years ago, but I made a try, however the added code broke my website and the error ran like:

    ´Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wpcf7_text_validation_filter() (previously declared in /home/akkses/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php:85) in /home/akkses/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 185´

    I copy below the code of my text.php file with the new code by Swindle added just below “Validation filter comment”. Any help is welcome, to fix this issue! 🙂

    ** A base module for the following types of tags:
    ** [text] and [text*] # Single-line text
    ** [email] and [email*] # Email address
    ** [url] and [url*] # URL
    ** [tel] and [tel*] # Telephone number

    /* Shortcode handler */

    add_action( ‘wpcf7_init’, ‘wpcf7_add_shortcode_text’ );

    function wpcf7_add_shortcode_text() {
    array( ‘text’, ‘text*’, ’email’, ’email*’, ‘url’, ‘url*’, ‘tel’, ‘tel*’ ),
    ‘wpcf7_text_shortcode_handler’, true );

    function wpcf7_text_shortcode_handler( $tag ) {
    $tag = new WPCF7_Shortcode( $tag );

    if ( empty( $tag->name ) )
    return ”;

    $validation_error = wpcf7_get_validation_error( $tag->name );

    $class = wpcf7_form_controls_class( $tag->type, ‘wpcf7-text’ );

    if ( in_array( $tag->basetype, array( ’email’, ‘url’, ‘tel’ ) ) )
    $class .= ‘ wpcf7-validates-as-‘ . $tag->basetype;

    if ( $validation_error )
    $class .= ‘ wpcf7-not-valid’;

    $atts = array();

    $atts[‘size’] = $tag->get_size_option( ’40’ );
    $atts[‘maxlength’] = $tag->get_maxlength_option();
    $atts[‘class’] = $tag->get_class_option( $class );
    $atts[‘id’] = $tag->get_id_option();
    $atts[‘tabindex’] = $tag->get_option( ‘tabindex’, ‘int’, true );

    if ( $tag->has_option( ‘readonly’ ) )
    $atts[‘readonly’] = ‘readonly’;

    if ( $tag->is_required() )
    $atts[‘aria-required’] = ‘true’;

    $atts[‘aria-invalid’] = $validation_error ? ‘true’ : ‘false’;

    $value = (string) reset( $tag->values );

    if ( $tag->has_option( ‘placeholder’ ) || $tag->has_option( ‘watermark’ ) ) {
    $atts[‘placeholder’] = $value;
    $value = ”;
    } elseif ( ” === $value ) {
    $value = $tag->get_default_option();

    $value = wpcf7_get_hangover( $tag->name, $value );

    $atts[‘value’] = $value;

    if ( wpcf7_support_html5() ) {
    $atts[‘type’] = $tag->basetype;
    } else {
    $atts[‘type’] = ‘text’;

    $atts[‘name’] = $tag->name;

    $atts = wpcf7_format_atts( $atts );

    $html = sprintf(
    ‘<span class=”wpcf7-form-control-wrap %1$s”><input %2$s />%3$s</span>’,
    sanitize_html_class( $tag->name ), $atts, $validation_error );

    return $html;

    /* Validation filter */

    function wpcf7_text_validation_filter( $result, $tag ) {
    /* Array of free email domains */
    $FREE_DOMAINS = array(‘gmail.com’, ‘yahoo.com’, ‘hotmail.com’);

    $type = $tag[‘type’];
    $name = $tag[‘name’];

    $_POST[$name] = trim( strtr( (string) $_POST[$name], “\n”, ” ” ) );

    if ( ‘text*’ == $type ) {
    if ( ” == $_POST[$name] ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );

    if ( ’email’ == $type || ’email*’ == $type ) {
    $arr = explode( ‘@’, $_POST[$name] );
    if( ! empty( $arr[1] ) ){
    $domain = strtolower( trim( $arr[1] ) );
    } else {
    $domain = false;

    if ( ’email*’ == $type && ” == $_POST[$name] ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );
    } elseif ( ” != $_POST[$name] && ! is_email( $_POST[$name] ) ) {
    $arr = explode( ‘@’, $_POST[$name] );
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_email’ );
    } elseif ( $domain && in_array( $domain, $FREE_DOMAINS ) ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_email’ );

    return $result;

    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_text’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_text*’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_email’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_email*’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_url’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_url*’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_tel’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_tel*’, ‘wpcf7_text_validation_filter’, 10, 2 );

    function wpcf7_text_validation_filter( $result, $tag ) {
    $tag = new WPCF7_Shortcode( $tag );

    $name = $tag->name;

    $value = isset( $_POST[$name] )
    ? trim( wp_unslash( strtr( (string) $_POST[$name], “\n”, ” ” ) ) )
    : ”;

    if ( ‘text*’ == $tag->type ) {
    if ( ” == $value ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );

    if ( ’email’ == $tag->basetype ) {
    if ( $tag->is_required() && ” == $value ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );
    } elseif ( ” != $value && ! wpcf7_is_email( $value ) ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_email’ );

    if ( ‘url’ == $tag->basetype ) {
    if ( $tag->is_required() && ” == $value ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );
    } elseif ( ” != $value && ! wpcf7_is_url( $value ) ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_url’ );

    if ( ‘tel’ == $tag->basetype ) {
    if ( $tag->is_required() && ” == $value ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_required’ );
    } elseif ( ” != $value && ! wpcf7_is_tel( $value ) ) {
    $result[‘valid’] = false;
    $result[‘reason’][$name] = wpcf7_get_message( ‘invalid_tel’ );

    if ( isset( $result[‘reason’][$name] ) && $id = $tag->get_id_option() ) {
    $result[‘idref’][$name] = $id;

    return $result;

    /* Messages */

    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_messages’, ‘wpcf7_text_messages’ );

    function wpcf7_text_messages( $messages ) {
    return array_merge( $messages, array(
    ‘invalid_email’ => array(
    ‘description’ => __( “Email address that the sender entered is invalid”, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘default’ => __( ‘Email address seems invalid.’, ‘contact-form-7’ )

    ‘invalid_url’ => array(
    ‘description’ => __( “URL that the sender entered is invalid”, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘default’ => __( ‘URL seems invalid.’, ‘contact-form-7’ )

    ‘invalid_tel’ => array(
    ‘description’ => __( “Telephone number that the sender entered is invalid”, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘default’ => __( ‘Telephone number seems invalid.’, ‘contact-form-7’ )
    ) ) );

    /* Tag generator */

    add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘wpcf7_add_tag_generator_text’, 15 );

    function wpcf7_add_tag_generator_text() {
    if ( ! function_exists( ‘wpcf7_add_tag_generator’ ) )

    wpcf7_add_tag_generator( ‘text’, __( ‘Text field’, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘wpcf7-tg-pane-text’, ‘wpcf7_tg_pane_text’ );

    wpcf7_add_tag_generator( ’email’, __( ‘Email’, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘wpcf7-tg-pane-email’, ‘wpcf7_tg_pane_email’ );

    wpcf7_add_tag_generator( ‘url’, __( ‘URL’, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘wpcf7-tg-pane-url’, ‘wpcf7_tg_pane_url’ );

    wpcf7_add_tag_generator( ‘tel’, __( ‘Telephone number’, ‘contact-form-7’ ),
    ‘wpcf7-tg-pane-tel’, ‘wpcf7_tg_pane_tel’ );

    function wpcf7_tg_pane_text( $contact_form ) {
    wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives( ‘text’ );

    function wpcf7_tg_pane_email( $contact_form ) {
    wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives( ’email’ );

    function wpcf7_tg_pane_url( $contact_form ) {
    wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives( ‘url’ );

    function wpcf7_tg_pane_tel( $contact_form ) {
    wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives( ‘tel’ );

    function wpcf7_tg_pane_text_and_relatives( $type = ‘text’ ) {
    if ( ! in_array( $type, array( ’email’, ‘url’, ‘tel’ ) ) )
    $type = ‘text’;

    <div id=”wpcf7-tg-pane-<?php echo $type; ?>” class=”hidden”>
    <form action=””>
    <tr><td><input type=”checkbox” name=”required” /> <?php echo esc_html( __( ‘Required field?’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?></td></tr>
    <tr><td><?php echo esc_html( __( ‘Name’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <input type=”text” name=”name” class=”tg-name oneline” /></td><td></td></tr>

    <td>id (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”id” class=”idvalue oneline option” /></td>

    <td>class (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”class” class=”classvalue oneline option” /></td>

    <td>size (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <input type=”number” name=”size” class=”numeric oneline option” min=”1″ /></td>

    <td>maxlength (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <input type=”number” name=”maxlength” class=”numeric oneline option” min=”1″ /></td>

    <?php if ( in_array( $type, array( ‘text’, ’email’, ‘url’ ) ) ) : ?>
    <td colspan=”2″><?php echo esc_html( __( ‘Akismet’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?> (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <?php if ( ‘text’ == $type ) : ?>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”akismet:author” class=”option” /> <?php echo esc_html( __( “This field requires author’s name”, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <?php elseif ( ’email’ == $type ) : ?>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”akismet:author_email” class=”option” /> <?php echo esc_html( __( “This field requires author’s email address”, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <?php elseif ( ‘url’ == $type ) : ?>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”akismet:author_url” class=”option” /> <?php echo esc_html( __( “This field requires author’s URL”, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <td><?php echo esc_html( __( ‘Default value’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?> (<?php echo esc_html( __( ‘optional’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”values” class=”oneline” /></td>


    <input type=”checkbox” name=”placeholder” class=”option” /> <?php echo esc_html( __( ‘Use this text as placeholder?’, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>

    <div class=”tg-tag”><?php echo esc_html( __( “Copy this code and paste it into the form left.”, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $type; ?>” class=”tag wp-ui-text-highlight code” readonly=”readonly” onfocus=”this.select()” /></div>

    <div class=”tg-mail-tag”><?php echo esc_html( __( “And, put this code into the Mail fields below.”, ‘contact-form-7’ ) ); ?>
    <input type=”text” class=”mail-tag wp-ui-text-highlight code” readonly=”readonly” onfocus=”this.select()” /></div>


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