• Resolved maavangent


    Right now I’m working on a website completely based on CATEGORIES and CUSTOM POST TYPES. Normally I would make a static menu that links to the correct SINGLE and CATEGORY templates for naviagtion. This time I’m looking for a generated menu based on all CATEGORIES and the posts that are connected to them.

    The menu I have now is up and running, creates a tree system of all posts and categories and is really easy to style by CSS. The only thing that I haven’t got to work is attaching and ACTIVE class to the current post TITLE.

    I’m trying to do this by checking if the $post->ID of the current post is the same as that of the post TITLE.

    The code I have now show the correct $post->ID of the current post TITLE but I haven’t been able to send it send it down to the “$post->ID == $IDOutsideLoop” part. When I put the correct $post->ID in myself everything, it works fine.

    I’ve been trying to echo $IDOutsideLoop everywhere inside the code but it seems the $post->ID of the current post seems to get lost after the first endforeach. Even removing the “wp_reset_query();” gives no answers..

    Can somebody help me completing this menu by help solving this problem?

    <div id="auto-menu">
    		$IDOutsideLoop = $post->ID;
    		echo $IDOutsideLoop;
    		foreach( get_categories('hide_empty=0&include=6') as $cat ) :
    		if( !$cat->parent ) {
    		echo '<ul><span id="auto-menu-hide"><li>' . $cat->name . '</li></span><div>';
    		process_cat_tree( $cat->term_id );
    		wp_reset_query(); //to reset all trouble done to the original query
    		function process_cat_tree( $cat) {
    		$args = array('category__in' => array( $cat ), 'numberposts' => -1);
    		$cat_posts = get_posts( $args );
    		if( $cat_posts ) :
    		foreach( $cat_posts as $post ) :
    		echo $IDOutsideLoop;
    		echo '<li';
    		if ( $post->ID == $IDOutsideLoop ) { echo ' class="active"'; } else {}
    		echo '>';
    		echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '">' . $post->post_title . '</a>';
    		echo '</li>';
    		$next = get_categories('hide_empty=0&parent=' . $cat);
    		if( $next ) :
    		foreach( $next as $cat ) :
    		echo '<ul><span id="' . $cat->slug . '-header"><li><h2>' . $cat->name . '</h2></li></span><div id="' . $cat->slug . '-box">';
    		process_cat_tree( $cat->term_id );
    		echo '</div></ul>';
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  • Thread Starter maavangent


    Got it working!

    Thanks to knottulf.

    Here is the working code:

    <div id="auto-menu">
    		foreach( get_categories('hide_empty=0&include=16') as $cat ) :
    		if( !$cat->parent ) {
    		echo '<ul><span id="auto-menu-hide"><li>' . $cat->name . '</li></span><div>';
    		process_cat_tree( $cat->term_id );
    		wp_reset_query(); //to reset all trouble done to the original query
    		function process_cat_tree( $cat) {
    		$args = array('category__in' => array( $cat ), 'numberposts' => -1);
    		$cat_posts = get_posts( $args );
    		global $post;
    		if( $cat_posts ) :
    		foreach( $cat_posts as $menuPost ) :
    		echo '<li';
    		if ( $menuPost->ID == $post->ID ) { echo ' class="active"'; }
    		echo '>';
    		echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $menuPost->ID ) . '">' . $menuPost->post_title . '</a>';
    		echo '</li>';
    		$next = get_categories('hide_empty=0&&parent=' . $cat);
    		if( $next ) :
    		foreach( $next as $cat ) :
    		echo '<ul><span id="' . $cat->slug . '-header"><li><h2><a href="http://url/site/' . $cat->slug . '">' . $cat->name . '</a></h2></li></span><div id="' . $cat->slug . '-box" class="box-closed">';
    		process_cat_tree( $cat->term_id );
    		echo '</div></ul>';
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