Hi @mvishal71, great question! Loops & Logic works using the core WordPress structure of post types and custom fields. So for the most part, you can work with L&L the same way if you’re working with core fields, custom ACF fields, or post types and fields created with another plugin. We can’t ensure that every other plugin developer designs their plugins to work the “WordPress way” and we haven’t tested L&L with ACPT, but if they haven’t done anything that goes against normal WordPress functionality, then you can just work with ACPT the same way you’d work with any other post type or field in L&L. So for example, let’s say you’ve created a post type called my_acpt_post_type
and you’ve got a custom field called my_acpt_custom_field
, you should be able to write something like this to loop through that field on all your posts:
<Loop type=my_acpt_post_type>
<Field my_acpt_custom_field />
This is exactly how you’d work with any other custom post type and field in L&L, so there’s nothing ACPT-specific here. Personally, I’d recommend working with ACF if you can since the only benefit I can see that ACPT offers is built-in templating, but I don’t think there’s anything you could do with their templating tools that you can’t already do better with L&L. To get an idea of how to work with L&L, I’d recommend going through the getting started guide in the docs if you’re not sure where to start. I won’t be able to offer more specific guidance on how to work with ACPT since we don’t officially support that plugin, but hopefully, the documentation gives you a good foundation.
I should also mention that if you need help in the future, there’s a Loops & Logic forum that has a much more active community with people of varied skill sets, so you’ll probably have better luck getting support there compared to this WordPress forum.
got it… thanks. It works. are the upcoming premium features available and free or paid?
There are indeed! There’s a pro version of Loops & Logic in the works that will add a few additional powerful features including native integrations for third-party plugins that don’t use the WP posts table (like WooCommerce, LearnDash, and several others that are in development), the ability to write and modify data on the database instead of just reading it, and the ability to save and manage your templates in the cloud. If you want to sign up for notifications about when the pro version launches, you can enter your email at loopsandlogic.com.