• Resolved Luke Cavanagh


    Notice: Use of undefined constant DOING_AJAX – assumed ‘DOING_AJAX’ in /srv/www/wordpress-default/wp-content/plugins/fusion/fusion-core.php on line 522

    The plugin generated 344 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.


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  • Plugin Author Agency Dominion Inc.


    Hello Luke,

    Thanks for your feedback. Is it possible that you had Debugging enabled in wp-config.php when you activated Fusion? That could account for that unexpected output.

    We are aware of the DOING_AJAX PHP notice and have it in our road map to fix. Does that address your question? Is there anything else we can help with?

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter Luke Cavanagh


    @agency Dominion Inc.

    Yep correct debug was enabled.

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