Hello, could you give me more details about the 2 bugs you are talking about: do you have any console error in browser when message about coordinate is required ?
And about the locator icon that does not show up, when it occurs, during location edit or in the public page ?
About your suggestions: at first, the plugin was built for only repetive locations over a week. For each location you can already add several start/end times. But it is not scheduled for now to manage different locations weeks after weeks like a calendar.
I keep in mind about the adress and the phone number for a future release one day.
Basically, when adding location, randomly the locator icon doesn’t show up when adding location name, description, time table, check visible and then save changes, it error out with “Coordinates are required” error.
When the icon show up and only if you move it, the coordinates appear to work and you can save the location.
I understand about the days of the week and time of operation, but that’s rarely the case when compare to the rest of the food trucks. I have rough 75 food truck friends and only a few stays at the same location couple days out of the week. In other cities, food trucks might be at the same location all week long.
When you start creating a location, you should have a location popup to allow your current coordinates, and if you refuse, marker should be at a default place. I will take a look if there is a bug here.
I’m not sure to understand you food truck friends example: you mean that they are not on the same place/time each Monday, and not on the same place/time each Tuesday, etc… so one Monday they are at location X and the next Monday on location Y?
Because from my examples of food trucks around me, they are all on their usual place each day of week (every Monday on location A, every Tuesday on location B, …).
For southern states (US), I can see that a food truck goes to location A on Monday, location B on Tuesday, etc. every week. For most of us in the northern states (US), we have snow and so our food truck season IS SHORT. Instead of going to the same location every week in hope customers will show up, we take advantage of a lot of the events happening during the warmer months; therefore, each date of a month a truck can be at one or two different locations depending on the length of the event.
For example, on Monday 10/14, one of my truck will be serving lunch (11am – 2pm) in downtown and then dinner at a brewery (4pm – 8pm). The next Monday (10/21), I no longer go to downtown. On this date (10/21), I’m attending an event that starts from 11am until 6pm. Yep, schedule changes everyday from mid April till October 31st then the season ends and snow is here.
Ok, now I see what you means.
Currently I did not planned (in the short term) to deal with a full calendar events in the plugin. But I keep that in mind maybe for a future version.
Love to use this plugin, but it doesn’t do anything for me at the moment. Hopefully someday I can revisit it.