• I used a website speed test to look at the differences before and after installing this plugin. Of course I waited a while for the merging and minifying to take effect i.e. I visited my website and moved from page to page.

    The plugin got the number of requests down by 20.

    What about speed? Well the load time does vary. Even without the plugin, sometimes the website responded a bit faster. It looks like this plugin has reduced the load time for my website by 0.8 seconds.

    To get this reduction in load time, I had to turn on “enable output buffering” and both “enable preload” options. Without these options turned on the speed increase was about 0.4 or 0.5 seconds.

    This an excellent result. Thanks very much.

    Now http2 is supposed to make merging have less effect. Is this really true? Is this still the case? Are all the effects from minifying or are they from merging as well?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Marisa.
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  • Plugin Author launchinteractive


    Hi Marisa. It really depends on the site and the way it has been built. Lots of small css and js will perform differently than lots of large css/js files. The best thing to do is do what you have done and benchmark your site and work out what works best for you.

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