• I went ahead and enabled the plugin as I did not want to write rewrite rules for all my removed posts. Luckily it worked for one of the more important posts I had. But for the other 3/4 of my posts, it did not work. Took me to the 404 page I was trying to avoid.

    I would recommend something I feel is a simple task, for such a plugin:
    if it doesn’t not have any similar matches under the categories, posts, or pages, to run a search based off the URI simply running like: mydomain.com/?s=<uri>

    Just an idea I feel can make a huge improvement where the plugin lacks and make it a more widely used plugin.

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  • Thread Starter philipjewell


    Kinda of a janky way do to it, but I have made a temp workaround in the file on my install (line 65 and 66):

    $search_words = trim(preg_replace( "@[_-]@", "+", $search));
    echo '<META http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL=http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/?s='.$search_words.'">';

    Might help for future options.

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