Thanks for your review! Can you show me the example of animated poster image, please? I’ve just checked on Twitter and Facebook animated gif as poster, but it is not working. Only the first frame is displayed.
Hi Anton,
here is an example of an open graph image that uses an animated gif if you copy and paste this link into a social site such as LinkedIn it will create the link preview where you can see the animated open graph image.
thank you for your link. Can you help me to understand, do you want to add your own text/logo on animated gif? Or just be able to add gif images on meta tags?
in the plugin settings one can add a background image, I can add an animated gif here. In the configuration settings, only jpg and png is available in the image type drop-down. I would like to be able to select a .gif file format here also. The desired result is that if an animated gif image background is used for the background image, when the post is shared the background image of the open graph image is animated because the background image used is an animated gif.
Hi Laurence,
Sorry for the long reply, I was on vacation.
Ok, I can add GIF format to the plugin settings, but I can’t leave it animated, because of limitations PHP GD driver. So, the only way to display gif through my plugin is to leave it without any changes. That is, do not resize, do not overlay text, etc. Does this option make sense?
hi Anton,
Thanks for your response. I think that if an animated gif is not possible then being able to use a gif file format is not necessary as the only reason one might want to use a gif is to animate the open graph image. Thank you for looking into this 🙂