• Resolved graphics616


    This plugin has worked great for me for quite some time now. I only found these following PHP Notices after running the Debug plugin to get a newly installed Contact Form to work.

    These show as being repeated several times in a row before the end of the error log.

    What do I need to do to fix these errors?

    [12-Jun-2015 12:51:06 UTC] PHP Strict standards:  Declaration of PG_Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit_Custom::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in C:\wamp\www\roadworksmfg\wp-content\plugins\private-content\pg_nav_menu_option.php on line 285
    [12-Jun-2015 12:51:06 UTC] PHP Strict standards:  Declaration of PG_Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit_Custom::end_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in C:\wamp\www\roadworksmfg\wp-content\plugins\private-content\pg_nav_menu_option.php on line 285
    [12-Jun-2015 12:51:06 UTC] PHP Strict standards:  Declaration of PG_Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit_Custom::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in C:\wamp\www\roadworksmfg\wp-content\plugins\private-content\pg_nav_menu_option.php on line 285



Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author Aldo Latino


    you should ask support in the right forums.

    Thread Starter graphics616


    Sorry. What is the right forums in this situation. The errors are “Private Content” errors. If you could clarify, that would be great.


    Plugin Author Aldo Latino


    I linked the right forum in my previous post. You’re using a plugin which has the same name as mine.

    Thread Starter graphics616


    Sorry about that. Thanks so much for your quick replies! I will check the link you provided.

    By the way, if your quick response time is any indication of the working of your plugin, it is probably a great one. Thanks for the great customer service.

    Plugin Author Aldo Latino


    You are welcome!

    My plugin is a completely different kind of plugin: it has been designed only to hide small portions of a post and display them to specific WordPress roles. Some users need this functionality and I created it for them.

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