Can someone please help? Users cannot register.
Looks like you have potentially the reCAPTCHA keys in place, for version 2 of Google’s tool, but not seeing any “I am human” checkbox getting rendered.
Just to make sure, have you selected “Version 2” from the recaptcha dropdown and saved the settings for it? I’m seeing that we’re missing some output needed for the checkbox.
I am using the Constant Contact plugin from WordPress. And yes, the Version 2 was selected. I think I fixed it though…i choose Version 3, saved, and then choose Version 2 and saved. Suddenly the “I am human” checkbox came back.
Just made a test submission with “feedbagpetsupply” in the email. Can you confirm if you saw a new signup come through with that?
Awesome, I think we’re good here then.
Thank you.