• I am trying to use WordPress logged in user id which should search transaction_user_ID in the table wp_m_subscription_transaction.

    The table has a column called transaction_user_ID and another called transaction_paypal_ID.

    logic:if user id == transaction user id then get transaction paypal id

    which should be passed to the url along with the user id email address and the execute the url to get the a code – this is my final output

    How this can be achieved?

    The code which I am developing is like this which is obviously incomplete & error for the getting and using the database query

    <?php $user_id = get_current_user_id();
           $query = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->;wp_m_subscription_transaction 
           if ($user_id ==$query) {
             <a href="http://primary.copyminder.com/cm_prodkey.php?DID=********&Password=*****&ProdCode=*******&NumRequired=1&TransNum=(GET THIS FROM DATABASE) &CustEmail=". $current_user->user_email .">Get ur Code</a>
    else {
    echo 'You are not logged in as user ';}?>
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