• I am trying to build a breadcrumb for my site that will include the parent to any given page. I have taken a php which when I put directly in my page.php works fine.

    However I want my breadcrumb to part of my functions file as I will no doubt use it in future projects. However, the code below simply returns the current page info twice, and not the parent and then the page.

    expected output = Parent Page >> Actual Page
    actual output = Actual Page >> Actual Page

    I can’t see why this is not working as it seems a pretty simple code…

    elseif (is_page()) {
    $parent_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent);
    echo ‘<a href=”‘;
    echo get_permalink($post->post_parent);
    echo ‘”>’;
    echo $parent_title;
    echo ‘ » ‘;
    echo the_title();

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